Working Capital Optimization
Improve Your Qualifications for Merchant Financing
Working Capital Optimization – Learn how to improve your qualifications for merchant financing if you’ve either been declined, or approved for a lower amount than you want.
Because of years of hard work building up our network of partners, we can get you:
- 100% approval if you generate $10,000 in monthly sales for loans or cash advances.
- 100% approval if you generate $5,000 in monthly credit card sales for cash advances.
- The highest loan amounts in the USA.
- Cash for startups only 30 days old.
- The latest programs, such as the new one where you don’t need credit card sales for cash advances.
- Loans and advances for requests that have been declined by other lenders.
- Savings of 30-50% on lending costs.
As you know, optimizing your working capital is so important as you manage your assets and liabilities.
There must be enough cash flow to continue to pay down debts, buy new inventory or equipment, maintain operating expenses, and to ensure the smooth running of your business.
If you’ve been trying to get funding and haven’t been successful, don’t give up yet!
But ……. stop wasting your time and let us tell you why you should consider Stellar Business Funding.
Most lenders send out your loan request to only a few of their partners without really checking the details of your particular situation and taking the time to match you with the best deal.
At Stellar, it’s different. We persist to get you your working capital until we’ve exhausted all of our resources ……. and sometimes it takes 8-10 tries to find the right lender who is able to fund your unique business loan or cash advance request.
Not all lenders have the same programs, so we’ve scoured the country to find our partners, and build up a network that specializes in all types of situations, difficulties, and industries.
If you’ve been declined for business funding, you’ll need to form some working capital optimization strategies so you can get those business cash advances or short term business loans you need to take your business to the next level or maintain the level that you’re at.
Just because you’ve been turned down now doesn’t mean you can’t try again soon. In many cases you can improve your circumstances and get funding within a matter of a few months.
And, don’t forget, if you’ve been turned down for a short term business loan, we can get you financing for a business cash advance.
If you haven’t read through our website yet, then the first thing you should do if you’ve been declined for a loan or advance is to read these pages, which show the basic qualifications:
The next thing you should do is get our How to Improve your Qualifications Report, which you can get for FREE when you sign up for our quarterly newsletter.
In our report, we offer more working capital optimization tips, ideas, and strategies to help you get the funding you need. You will find out:
Other information underwriters look for when processing applications.
The top reasons applications are declined and how to get around it.
How to get more money.
You can easily unsubscribe from our newsletter at any time and still keep the free report. We also respect your privacy and do not give out your contact information to anyone. To sign up go to our Stellar Performance Business Funding Solutions page.
After you’ve looked over all of our information and don’t think you meet the qualifications, but really need funding …… don’t hesitate to Contact Us. We’d be happy to answer questions, give guidance, and help you in any way we can.